This is a minimal-state, immediate-mode graphical user interface toolkit written in ANSI C and licensed under public domain. It was designed as a simple embeddable user interface for application and does not have any dependencies, a default render backend or OS window/input handling but instead provides a highly modular, library-based approach, with simple input state for input and draw commands describing primitive shapes as output. So instead of providing a layered library that tries to abstract over a number of platform and render backends, it focuses only on the actual UI.


  1. About section
  2. Highlights section
  3. Features section
  4. Usage section
    1. Flags section
    2. Constants section
    3. Dependencies section
  5. Example section
  6. API section
    1. Context section
    2. Input section
    3. Drawing section
    4. Window section
    5. Layouting section
    6. Groups section
    7. Tree section
    8. Properties section
  7. License section
  8. Changelog section
  9. Gallery section
  10. Credits section


This is a minimal state immediate mode graphical user interface toolkit written in ANSI C and licensed under public domain. It was designed as a simple embeddable user interface for application and does not have any dependencies, a default renderbackend or OS window and input handling but instead provides a very modular library approach by using simple input state for input and draw commands describing primitive shapes as output. So instead of providing a layered library that tries to abstract over a number of platform and render backends it only focuses on the actual UI.


  • Graphical user interface toolkit
  • Single header library
  • Written in C89 (a.k.a. ANSI C or ISO C90)
  • Small codebase (~18kLOC)
  • Focus on portability, efficiency and simplicity
  • No dependencies (not even the standard library if not wanted)
  • Fully skinnable and customizable
  • Low memory footprint with total memory control if needed or wanted
  • UTF-8 support
  • No global or hidden state
  • Customizable library modules (you can compile and use only what you need)
  • Optional font baker and vertex buffer output
  • Code available on github


  • Absolutely no platform dependent code
  • Memory management control ranging from/to
    • Ease of use by allocating everything from standard library
    • Control every byte of memory inside the library
  • Font handling control ranging from/to
    • Use your own font implementation for everything
    • Use this libraries internal font baking and handling API
  • Drawing output control ranging from/to
    • Simple shapes for more high level APIs which already have drawing capabilities
    • Hardware accessible anti-aliased vertex buffer output
  • Customizable colors and properties ranging from/to
    • Simple changes to color by filling a simple color table
    • Complete control with ability to use skinning to decorate widgets
  • Bendable UI library with widget ranging from/to
    • Basic widgets like buttons, checkboxes, slider, ...
    • Advanced widget like abstract comboboxes, contextual menus,...
  • Compile time configuration to only compile what you need
    • Subset which can be used if you do not want to link or use the standard library
  • Can be easily modified to only update on user input instead of frame updates


This library is self contained in one single header file and can be used either in header only mode or in implementation mode. The header only mode is used by default when included and allows including this header in other headers and does not contain the actual implementation.

The implementation mode requires to define the preprocessor macro NK_IMPLEMENTATION in one .c/.cpp file before #including this file, e.g.:

#include "nuklear.h"

Also optionally define the symbols listed in the section "OPTIONAL DEFINES" below in header and implementation mode if you want to use additional functionality or need more control over the library.

!!! WARNING Every time nuklear is included define the same compiler flags. This very important not doing so could lead to compiler errors or even worse stack corruptions.


Flag Description
NK_PRIVATE If defined declares all functions as static, so they can only be accessed inside the file that contains the implementation
NK_INCLUDE_FIXED_TYPES If defined it will include header <stdint.h> for fixed sized types otherwise nuklear tries to select the correct type. If that fails it will throw a compiler error and you have to select the correct types yourself.
NK_INCLUDE_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR If defined it will include header <stdlib.h> and provide additional functions to use this library without caring for memory allocation control and therefore ease memory management.
NK_INCLUDE_STANDARD_IO If defined it will include header <stdio.h> and provide additional functions depending on file loading.
NK_INCLUDE_STANDARD_VARARGS If defined it will include header <stdarg.h> and provide additional functions depending on file loading.
NK_INCLUDE_STANDARD_BOOL If defined it will include header <stdbool.h> for nk_bool otherwise nuklear defines nk_bool as int.
NK_INCLUDE_VERTEX_BUFFER_OUTPUT Defining this adds a vertex draw command list backend to this library, which allows you to convert queue commands into vertex draw commands. This is mainly if you need a hardware accessible format for OpenGL, DirectX, Vulkan, Metal,...
NK_INCLUDE_FONT_BAKING Defining this adds stb_truetype and stb_rect_pack implementation to this library and provides font baking and rendering. If you already have font handling or do not want to use this font handler you don't have to define it.
NK_INCLUDE_DEFAULT_FONT Defining this adds the default font: ProggyClean.ttf into this library which can be loaded into a font atlas and allows using this library without having a truetype font
NK_INCLUDE_COMMAND_USERDATA Defining this adds a userdata pointer into each command. Can be useful for example if you want to provide custom shaders depending on the used widget. Can be combined with the style structures.
NK_BUTTON_TRIGGER_ON_RELEASE Different platforms require button clicks occurring either on buttons being pressed (up to down) or released (down to up). By default this library will react on buttons being pressed, but if you define this it will only trigger if a button is released.
NK_ZERO_COMMAND_MEMORY Defining this will zero out memory for each drawing command added to a drawing queue (inside nk_command_buffer_push). Zeroing command memory is very useful for fast checking (using memcmp) if command buffers are equal and avoid drawing frames when nothing on screen has changed since previous frame.
NK_UINT_DRAW_INDEX Defining this will set the size of vertex index elements when using NK_VERTEX_BUFFER_OUTPUT to 32bit instead of the default of 16bit
NK_KEYSTATE_BASED_INPUT Define this if your backend uses key state for each frame rather than key press/release events

!!! WARNING The following flags will pull in the standard C library:


!!! WARNING The following flags if defined need to be defined for both header and implementation:



Define Description
NK_BUFFER_DEFAULT_INITIAL_SIZE Initial buffer size allocated by all buffers while using the default allocator functions included by defining NK_INCLUDE_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR. If you don't want to allocate the default 4k memory then redefine it.
NK_MAX_NUMBER_BUFFER Maximum buffer size for the conversion buffer between float and string Under normal circumstances this should be more than sufficient.
NK_INPUT_MAX Defines the max number of bytes which can be added as text input in one frame. Under normal circumstances this should be more than sufficient.

!!! WARNING The following constants if defined need to be defined for both header and implementation:



Function Description
NK_ASSERT If you don't define this, nuklear will use <assert.h> with assert().
NK_MEMSET You can define this to 'memset' or your own memset implementation replacement. If not nuklear will use its own version.
NK_MEMCPY You can define this to 'memcpy' or your own memcpy implementation replacement. If not nuklear will use its own version.
NK_INV_SQRT You can define this to your own inverse sqrt implementation replacement. If not nuklear will use its own slow and not highly accurate version.
NK_SIN You can define this to 'sinf' or your own sine implementation replacement. If not nuklear will use its own approximation implementation.
NK_COS You can define this to 'cosf' or your own cosine implementation replacement. If not nuklear will use its own approximation implementation.
NK_STRTOD You can define this to strtod or your own string to double conversion implementation replacement. If not defined nuklear will use its own imprecise and possibly unsafe version (does not handle nan or infinity!).
NK_DTOA You can define this to dtoa or your own double to string conversion implementation replacement. If not defined nuklear will use its own imprecise and possibly unsafe version (does not handle nan or infinity!).
NK_VSNPRINTF If you define NK_INCLUDE_STANDARD_VARARGS as well as NK_INCLUDE_STANDARD_IO and want to be safe define this to vsnprintf on compilers supporting later versions of C or C++. By default nuklear will check for your stdlib version in C as well as compiler version in C++. if vsnprintf is available it will define it to vsnprintf directly. If not defined and if you have older versions of C or C++ it will be defined to vsprintf which is unsafe.

!!! WARNING The following dependencies will pull in the standard C library if not redefined:


!!! WARNING The following dependencies if defined need to be defined for both header and implementation:


!!! WARNING The following dependencies if defined need to be defined only for the implementation part:

  • NK_SIN
  • NK_COS


// init gui state
enum {EASY, HARD};
static int op = EASY;
static float value = 0.6f;
static int i = 20;
struct nk_context ctx;
nk_init_fixed(&ctx, calloc(1, MAX_MEMORY), MAX_MEMORY, &font);
if (nk_begin(&ctx, "Show", nk_rect(50, 50, 220, 220),
// fixed widget pixel width
nk_layout_row_static(&ctx, 30, 80, 1);
if (nk_button_label(&ctx, "button")) {
// event handling
// fixed widget window ratio width
nk_layout_row_dynamic(&ctx, 30, 2);
if (nk_option_label(&ctx, "easy", op == EASY)) op = EASY;
if (nk_option_label(&ctx, "hard", op == HARD)) op = HARD;
// custom widget pixel width
nk_layout_row_begin(&ctx, NK_STATIC, 30, 2);
nk_layout_row_push(&ctx, 50);
nk_label(&ctx, "Volume:", NK_TEXT_LEFT);
nk_layout_row_push(&ctx, 110);
nk_slider_float(&ctx, 0, &value, 1.0f, 0.1f);
NK_API void nk_layout_row_end(struct nk_context *)
Finished previously started row.
NK_API nk_bool nk_init_fixed(struct nk_context *, void *memory, nk_size size, const struct nk_user_font *)
Initializes a nk_context struct from single fixed size memory block Should be used if you want comple...
NK_API void nk_layout_row_dynamic(struct nk_context *ctx, float height, int cols)
Sets current row layout to share horizontal space between cols number of widgets evenly.
NK_API void nk_layout_row_begin(struct nk_context *ctx, enum nk_layout_format fmt, float row_height, int cols)
Starts a new dynamic or fixed row with given height and columns.
NK_API nk_bool nk_begin(struct nk_context *ctx, const char *title, struct nk_rect bounds, nk_flags flags)
Starts a new window; needs to be called every frame for every.
NK_API void nk_layout_row_push(struct nk_context *, float value)
Specifies either window ratio or width of a single column.
NK_API void nk_end(struct nk_context *ctx)
Needs to be called at the end of the window building process to process scaling, scrollbars and gener...
NK_API void nk_layout_row_static(struct nk_context *ctx, float height, int item_width, int cols)
Sets current row layout to fill cols number of widgets in row with same @item_width horizontal size.